Entrepreneurs who have a passion for homeopathic remedies and products may consider opening an aromatherapy business. Aromatherapy is an unregulated industry, which means that anyone can launch this business and say they are qualified and start practicing. Successful aromatherapy business owners will have a thirst for knowledge, a solid mind for business, and good sales skills. There are many unique areas in this industry and for most that enter, it’s also a good idea to invest in some education. For independents, startup costs can be anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000, with the potential to reach six-figure profits.
Depending on your long-term goals, there is a large potential for growth in this field as the industry has experienced significant growth over the past few years. The global aromatherapy market is estimated to be at $1.6 billion USD as of 2020 and is projected to grow 11.8% between 2021- 2028. The rise of aromatherapy practices has grown substantially over the past few years with many consumers using alternative medicinal therapy which ranges from mental health to skincare.
Start an Online Diffuser and Oil Store
When people hear aromatherapy, most relate this business to essential oils. One of the most popular industry tools is diffusers. Diffusers come in a few varieties but the most popular are oil diffusers and reed diffusers which transform essential oils into liquid vapor. If you’re looking to combine your love of essential oils with the versatile properties of diffusers, look no further.